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English Thousands of people use JJazzLab in the world. Yet it’s free, with no limitations and no ads. But developing JJazzLab is a huge work and costs money. 99% of users do not donate, they just look away. Please donate today to keep JJazzLab free.

French  JJazzLab est gratuit, sans limitation et sans publicité. Mais développer JJazzLab est un travail énorme et coûte de l’argent. 99% des utilisateurs ne donnent pas, ils préfèrent regarder ailleurs. Faites un don aujourd’hui pour garder JJazzLab gratuit.

German  Tausende von Leuten benutzen JJazzLab in der Welt, aber ohne Einschränkungen und ohne Werbung. Aber die Entwicklung von JJazzLab ist eine enorme Arbeit und kostet Geld. 99% der Benutzer spenden nicht, sie schauen einfach weg. Bitte spenden Sie noch heute, um JazzLab kostenlos zu halten.

Japan  JJazzLabは無料で、広告や制限はありません。 しかし、JJazzLabの開発は膨大な作業であり、費用がかかります。 だから私はあなたの助けが必要です。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。

Spain  Miles de personas usan JazzLab en el mundo. Aún así, sigue siendo gratis, sin limitaciones ni publicidad. Pero desarrollar JazzLab es un trabajo enorme y cuesta dinero. El 99% de los usuarios no donan, simplemente hacen la vista gorda. Por favor, dona hoy para mantener JazzLab libre.

China  世界上有成千上万的人使用JJazzLab。然而它是免费的,没有限制,也没有广告。\n但是开发JJazzLab是一项巨大的工作,需要花费金钱。99%的用户不捐款,他们只是把目光移开。请今天捐款,让JJazzLab继续免费。

J. Lelasseux



After the donation you’ll receive by email a donation code to remove the annoying Donate window at JJazzLab startup.

Note that you don’t need a Paypal account if you pay by credit card.

GitHub is the world #1 online platform for software developers. You can pay by credit card, you’ll need a GitHub account.

JJazzLab GitHub Sponsors

I use my GitHub Sponsors page to propose additional paid services:

  • I can create optimized JJazzLab backing tracks for the songs of your choice
  • I can prioritize your bug fix or new feature request
  • I can do consulting and mentoring
  • I can give a talk at your event or conference
  • I can develop your custom software project

Top Contributors

  • Federico C. (10€/month on GitHub)
  • Andre D. (200€)
  • Leonard L. (150€)
  • John Pr. (100€)