Package org.jjazz.rhythm.api
package org.jjazz.rhythm.api
The model of a rhythm (or style, e.g "fast swing 4/4"), with its RhythmVoices and RhythmParameters.
ClassDescriptionA marker interface for a rhythm which is an adapted version of an existing rhythm but for a different time signature.The rhythm pulse.The rhythm feel.High-level musical genre.The intensity or power of a rhythm.An exception to be used by MusicGenerators.A tagging interface for RhythmParameter value classes which are mutable.A rhythm descriptor.Rhythm general features.Define a parameter that influences the way a Rhythm generates music.Describe a voice for which a Rhythm will generate music.The main types of a rhythm voice.A special RhythmVoice which is a delegate for another source RhythmVoice.A RhythmParemeter representing positive integer values.A RhythmParameter whose value can be some specified strings.A RhythmParameter composed of a set of strings.RpEnumerable<E>A RhythmParameter capability : enumerable.A range of tempo.A special kind of MusicGenerationException for errors that user can fix, such as 2 chord symbols at the same position, no chord symbol at section start, etc.