Uses of Class
Packages that use Position
The model of a chord leadsheet.
The models for chord leadsheet items.
Utility methods to convert CLI_ChordSymbols objects from/to Strings.
The chord leadsheet editor.
The graphical component for a single bar, which contains bar renderers.
The graphical component for a bar renderer (e.g. bar renderer for chord symbols, for section, for improvisation guideline, etc.)
Music controller: control the overall playback of a song.
Basic quantization methods.
Objects and helper methods to generate musical phrases from the song and form the final backing track (see SongSequenceBuilder).
The model of a song, which mainly contains a ChordLeadSheet and a SongStructure.
Describe the context for which a backing track should be generated: which (part of the) song, which MidiMix.
The model of a song structure, ie a list of SongParts.
The SongStructure graphical editor.
The graphical SongPart viewer component, which holds the RpViewers components.
Uses of Position in org.jjazz.chordleadsheet.api
Methods in org.jjazz.chordleadsheet.api with parameters of type PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T extends ChordLeadSheetItem<?>>
(Position posFrom, boolean inclusiveFrom, Class<T> itemClass, Predicate<T> tester) Get the first matching item whose position is after (or equal, if inclusive is true) posFrom.<T extends ChordLeadSheetItem<?>>
(Position posFrom, boolean inclusiveFrom, Position posTo, boolean inclusiveTo, Class<T> itemClass, Predicate<T> tester) Get the matching items whose position is in the position range.default <T extends ChordLeadSheetItem<?>>
(Position posFrom, boolean inclusive, Class<T> itemClass, Predicate<T> tester) Get the matching items whose position is after (or equal, if inclusive is true) posLow.default <T extends ChordLeadSheetItem<?>>
(Position posTo, boolean inclusive, Class<T> itemClass, Predicate<T> tester) Get the matching items whose position is before (or equal, if inclusive is true) posTo.<T extends ChordLeadSheetItem<?>>
(Position posTo, boolean inclusiveTo, Class<T> itemClass, Predicate<T> tester) Get the last matching item whose position is before (or equal, if inclusive is true) posHigh.void
(ChordLeadSheetItem<?> item, Position pos) Move an item to a new position. -
Uses of Position in org.jjazz.chordleadsheet.api.event
Methods in org.jjazz.chordleadsheet.api.event that return PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionItemMovedEvent.getNewPosition()
Constructors in org.jjazz.chordleadsheet.api.event with parameters of type PositionModifierConstructorDescriptionItemMovedEvent
(ChordLeadSheet src, ChordLeadSheetItem<?> item, Position oldPos, Position newPos) -
Uses of Position in org.jjazz.chordleadsheet.api.item
Methods in org.jjazz.chordleadsheet.api.item that return PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPosition.getConvertedPosition
(TimeSignature tsFrom, TimeSignature tsTo) Convert the current position in tsFrom context, to a new position in tsTo context.Position.getMovedPosition
(int barOffset, float beatOffset) Get a new position where bar and beat are moved by the offset parameters.Position.getNext
(TimeSignature ts) Get the next integer beat position in the specified TimeSignature context.ChordLeadSheetItem.DefaultComparableItem.getPosition()
Get a copy of the position of this item.CLI_ChordSymbol.ComparableCsItem.getPosition()
(TimeSignature ts) Get the previous integer beat position in the specified TimeSignature context.Position.limitToTimeSignature
(TimeSignature ts) Get a new adjusted position which is guaranteed to fit the specified time signature.Methods in org.jjazz.chordleadsheet.api.item with parameters of type PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(String chordSymbol, Position pos) Create a CLI_ChordSymbol from a string specification.CLI_Factory.createChordSymbol
(ChordLeadSheet cls, ExtChordSymbol ecs, Position pos) Create a CLI_ChordSymbol.ChordLeadSheetItem.createItemFrom
(Position pos, boolean inclusive) Create an item right before the specified position for comparison purposes.static CLI_ChordSymbol
(Position pos, boolean inclusive) Create an item right before the specified position for comparison purposes.ChordLeadSheetItem.createItemTo
(Position pos, boolean inclusive) Create an item right after the specified position for comparison purposes.static CLI_ChordSymbol
(Position pos, boolean inclusive) Create an item right after the specified position for comparison purposes.ChordLeadSheetItem.DefaultComparableItem.getCopy
(ChordLeadSheet newCls, Position newPos) ChordLeadSheetItem.getCopy
(ChordLeadSheet newCls, Position newPos) Get a copy of this item at a specified position.CLI_ChordSymbol.ComparableCsItem.getCopy
(ChordLeadSheet newCls, Position newPos) float
(Position pos, TimeSignature ts) The duration in natural beats between this position and the specified position.void
Set the position from another position.Constructors in org.jjazz.chordleadsheet.api.item with parameters of type Position -
Uses of Position in org.jjazz.chordsymboltextinput.api
Methods in org.jjazz.chordsymboltextinput.api with parameters of type PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CLI_ChordSymbol
(String str, Position defaultPos, ChordLeadSheet cls) Return a new CLI_ChordSymbol built from specified string. -
Uses of Position in org.jjazz.cl_editor.api
Methods in org.jjazz.cl_editor.api that return PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract Position
(Point editorPoint) Return the Position that correspond to a graphical point in the editor.Methods in org.jjazz.cl_editor.api with parameters of type PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract void
(boolean b, ChordLeadSheetItem<?> item, Position pos, boolean copyMode) Show an insertion point in the editor for copy/move operations.abstract void
(boolean b, Position pos) Show a playback point in the editor at specified position. -
Uses of Position in org.jjazz.cl_editor.barbox.api
Methods in org.jjazz.cl_editor.barbox.api that return PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBarBox.getPositionFromPoint
(Point barboxPoint) Return the position (bar, beat) which corresponds to a given point in the BarBox.Methods in org.jjazz.cl_editor.barbox.api with parameters of type PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(boolean b, ChordLeadSheetItem<?> item, Position pos, boolean copyMode) void
(boolean b, Position pos) Change background to represent the playback point in this bar. -
Uses of Position in org.jjazz.cl_editor.barrenderer.api
Methods in org.jjazz.cl_editor.barrenderer.api that return PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBeatBasedBarRenderer.getPositionFromPoint
(int x) BeatBasedLayoutManager.getPositionFromPoint
(BarRenderer br, int xPos) Return the Position that corresponds to the X-coordinate xPos in the BarRenderer.Methods in org.jjazz.cl_editor.barrenderer.api with parameters of type PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract void
(boolean b, ChordLeadSheetItem<?> item, Position pos, boolean copyMode) Show or hide an insertion point for the specified item.abstract void
(boolean b, Position pos) Show or hide the playback point at specified position. -
Uses of Position in org.jjazz.musiccontrol.api
Methods in org.jjazz.musiccontrol.api that return PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMusicController.getCurrentBeatPosition()
The current playback position updated at every natural beat (eg 0, 1, 2, 3 in 4/4).ControlTrack.getPosition
(MetaMessage mm) Retrieve the Position from a control track MetaMessage.Methods in org.jjazz.musiccontrol.api with parameters of type PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Position oldPos, Position newPos, float newPosInBeats) Called on each beat change.void
(Position oldPos, Position newPos, float newPosInBeats) -
Uses of Position in org.jjazz.musiccontrolactions.api.ui
Methods in org.jjazz.musiccontrolactions.api.ui that return PositionMethods in org.jjazz.musiccontrolactions.api.ui with parameters of type Position -
Uses of Position in org.jjazz.pianoroll.api
Methods in org.jjazz.pianoroll.api that return PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPianoRollEditor.toPosition
(float posInBeats) Convert a phrase position in beats into a Position.Methods in org.jjazz.pianoroll.api with parameters of type PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfloat
(Position pos) Convert a phrase Position into a phrase position in beats. -
Uses of Position in org.jjazz.quantizer.api
Methods in org.jjazz.quantizer.api that return PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionQuantizer.getQuantized
(Position pos, TimeSignature ts, int maxBarIndex) Return the closest quantized position using the Quantizer's global settings.static Position
(Quantization q, Position pos, TimeSignature ts, float qStrength, int maxBarIndex) Return the closest quantized position using the specified quantization settings.Methods in org.jjazz.quantizer.api with parameters of type PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionQuantizer.getQuantized
(Position pos, TimeSignature ts, int maxBarIndex) Return the closest quantized position using the Quantizer's global settings.static Position
(Quantization q, Position pos, TimeSignature ts, float qStrength, int maxBarIndex) Return the closest quantized position using the specified quantization settings. -
Uses of Position in org.jjazz.rhythmmusicgeneration.api
Methods in org.jjazz.rhythmmusicgeneration.api with parameters of type PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionChordSequence.getChordSymbol
(Position pos) Get the CLI_ChordSymbol from this ChordSequence which is active at the specified position.ChordSequence.getFirstAfter
(Position posFrom, boolean inclusive, Predicate<CLI_ChordSymbol> tester) Get the first matching chord symbol whose position is after (or equal, if inclusive is true) posFrom.ChordSequence.getLastBefore
(Position posTo, boolean inclusive, Predicate<CLI_ChordSymbol> tester) Get the last matching chord symbol whose position is before (or equal, if inclusive is true) posTo.float
(Position pos, float startBarPosInBeats) Convert the specified position into an absolute position in natural beats. -
Uses of Position in
Methods in that return PositionModifier and
Advance the song position to the next integer beat.BeatIterator.nextBar()
Advance the song position to the next bar (with beat 0).BeatIterator.nextHalfBar
(boolean swing) Advance the song position to the next half bar (beat=0 or half-bar).BeatIterator.peek()
Get the next position without advancing the iterator.Constructors in with parameters of type PositionModifierConstructorDescriptionBeatIterator
(Song song, Position pos) Construct an iterator for the specified song, starting at specified position.BeatIterator
(Song song, IntRange barRange, Position pos) Construct an iterator for the specified bar range within a song, starting at pos. -
Uses of Position in org.jjazz.songcontext.api
Methods in org.jjazz.songcontext.api that return PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSongContext.toClsPosition
(long relativeTick) Converts a tick position relative to this context into a ChordLeadSheet Position.SongContext.toPosition
(long relativeTick) Converts a tick position relative to this context into an absolute SongStructure Position.Methods in org.jjazz.songcontext.api with parameters of type PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionlong
(Position pos) Compute the tick relative to this context for the given absolute position expressed in bar/beat. -
Uses of Position in org.jjazz.songstructure.api
Methods in org.jjazz.songstructure.api that return PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSongStructure.getSptItemPosition
(SongPart spt, ChordLeadSheetItem<?> clsItem) Get the absolute position in the song structure of a chordleadsheet item referred to by the specified song part.default Position
(Position pos) Converts a song structure position into a chord leadsheet position.SongStructure.toPosition
(float posInBeats) Converts a natural beats position into a bar/beats Position.Methods in org.jjazz.songstructure.api with parameters of type PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault Position
(Position pos) Converts a song structure position into a chord leadsheet position.default float
(Position pos) Converts the specified position in natural beats: take into account the possible different time signatures before specified bar. -
Uses of Position in org.jjazz.ss_editor.api
Methods in org.jjazz.ss_editor.api with parameters of type PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract void
(boolean b, Position pos) Show a playback point in the editor at specified position. -
Uses of Position in org.jjazz.ss_editor.sptviewer.api
Methods in org.jjazz.ss_editor.sptviewer.api with parameters of type PositionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract void
(boolean show, Position pos) Show a playback point in the editor at specified position.